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Showing posts from October, 2013

2013 USARA National Championship

USARA National Championship 30 Hour 10/4/13 Nashville, IN Team Adventure Capitalists/BDAR Midwest 3 Person Coed Racers: Don Bart, Heather Kluch, Eric Olsen Pre Race Conditions A couple days prior to our departure for Brown County, I was seriously contemplating backing out of the race. I was sick for 3 weeks and within that last week leading up to the race, whatever nasty virus I had, just decided to kick me in the ass even harder. Aside from having absolutely no energy, my head was filled with what felt like 50 pounds of snot, and I felt like I was drowning in my own lungs. I had cough attacks that made my abs hurt. I was just a mess, and hoped the Z Pack I had started would take it's effect and miraculously cure me by race day. I decided to race anyway, not knowing how tough it would be for me, or if I would even make it through the entire race. I do not recommend anyone do any kind of racing if they are as sick as I was, but of course, I don't follow ...